How to Attract More Website Traffic Using Social Media

A group of people casually browsing social media on their mobile phones.

You worked hard on your website, and you launched it strategically. How do you keep a consistent stream of web traffic?

Building and maintaining a stellar website, optimizing SEO, adding regular blog content—that all makes up only one piece of the web presence puzzle. The truth is, it doesn’t matter how amazing your luxury real estate website is if no one can find it.

Fortunately, there are plenty of accessible ways to drive traffic to your website. Many of them involve a strong social media strategy.

Update Your Bios

Don’t let the low-hanging fruit go unpicked! Updating your social media biographies and “about” pages will only take a few minutes of your time and allows anyone who finds your profile to check out your website. Sometimes people find you on social through avenues besides your actual posts, like through your comments on a group page or your engagement on a mutual contact’s post. Make it easy for them to find your website and contact information regardless of how they stumbled upon your profile.

No matter what else you do on social media, your brand impact will always be greater with a link to your website easily found on your page. That way, even if you don’t include a link to your website in every post, people can follow your compelling content to your website via your bio and ultimately become a lead! 

Know Your Sites

Every social media site works a bit differently and calls for varying content types and frequencies of posting. Getting familiar with the specifics of each one can help you optimize your efforts and drive maximum traffic back to your website. 


Facebook is a popular social media platform for realtors because of its ad capabilities, robust groups, and overall popularity among most demographics. Some social platforms lack an older following, but Facebook has become a hub of connection for people of all ages. 

You can operate on Facebook using your personal account, but it’s a good idea to create a business page so that you can keep your personal life a bit separate from your brand. The business page also allows you to set up ads and add important information about your business. Aim to post videos or visuals accompanied by text on Facebook at least a few times a week, and consider using their targeted ads to draw in a wider audience. 


If you’ve got quick tips, witty reflections, or lots of insights to share, Twitter is a great spot to get active. It’s also a great place to interact with local businesses and lift up others in your community! 

Twitter calls for frequent, bite-sized posts at least a couple of times per day. Share a short quote from your latest blog, plug your favorite web tools, and interact with news in your area to draw attention and traffic!


Instagram is the best place to share photos of new listings, happy clients, staging features you’d like to highlight, and anything in between. It’s also a great storytelling platform since the norm for caption length is pretty generous. It’s a good idea to post on Instagram at least once a week and leverage Instagram Stories daily to connect even further with your audience. 

If you’re sticking to an organic (unpaid) social media strategy, Instagram may not be your best bet for driving traffic to your website directly. In regular posts, there’s no way to share a clickable link. If you have over 10,000 followers, you can use the “Swipe Up” feature to include a link in your stories. Otherwise, you only have one spot for link sharing on Instagram: one slot on your bio. Many users turn to Linktree in order to incorporate more links in their Instagram strategy, which can help interconnect your social media presence and drive traffic to your website, as well as your YouTube page and other value-adding resources. 


LinkedIn is an excellent platform for showcasing your expertise. You can use it to publish articles, share insights, link back to your blog, and even share videos. With a growing number of Americans spending time on LinkedIn, you can not only grow your real estate network and sharpen your knowledge but also get your resources and website in front of potential clients on a polished and professional page. 

In general, Facebook content and cadence also perform pretty well on LinkedIn. 


The biggest perk of using Pinterest to draw traffic to your website is that it’s optimized for exactly that! Content on Pinterest (Pins) generally consists of an image or quick video that takes the user directly to an external website once they click. 

Posts with tips, video series, or snippets of a blog post along with a compelling visual might all perform well on Pinterest. It’s also the social platform that keeps on giving; the quality of your content matters much more than your frequency since Pinterest use relies much more heavily on searches and shares than on a timeline browsing format like Facebook or Instagram.

If you’re just getting started, match the focus and tone of your website to the social media platforms that best align with your purpose and content. For example, if you share tips with lots of visuals on your blog but don’t like making video content, you may find a great audience on Pinterest, but not YouTube. Not everyone necessarily needs each and every platform.

Include Visuals

With Twitter being the only possible exception, it doesn’t make much sense to post anywhere without including a visual element. It’s too easy to scroll right past a block of plain text! 

On most platforms, the main image from your linked site will pull straight through to your post on social media, so optimize the images on your website with this in mind. Whenever that isn’t the case, or you prefer a different image or video, you can always shorten your website link and post it after your text accompanied by your image of choice.

Images that are visually appealing but also provide information are best. Infographics, list graphics, and images that incorporate statistics and pertinent information are extremely shareable and can help get your link in front of exponentially more eyes.

Leverage Blogs

Your blog strategy and your social media strategy go hand in hand. Ideally, one blog post can eventually become fodder for multiple different social media posts, which can each then link back to your blog and boost your overall website traffic! 

For example, if you share a blog post outlining ten tips for increasing the curb appeal of a home, you could share a social post teasing that a new blog is up, then ten more posts: one featuring each tip, a corresponding image, and a link back to the blog. Space those posts out in time so that your social channels continue to feel dynamic, but don’t let great content go to waste!


As long as you’re periodically posting content that links back to your website, and you have a bio that does the same, drawing in any attention on social media lends itself to added web traffic. There are countless groups on Facebook and LinkedIn geared toward every different facet of the real estate industry. Engaging in those groups serves as an avenue for networking, finding new marketing ideas, and garnering added traffic. 

It’s also a good idea to engage with your followers and friends when they comment on your posts—and to encourage them to do so. Posting interactive content like polls or questions—even simple ones, like which local coffee shop is best—can drive engagement and boost your future posts based on each social media platform’s algorithm. 

Use your social media channels as spaces to authentically connect with others and share value and resources, and you’ll end up with an increase in website traffic and in overall name recognition.

Paid Ads

Especially if you’re just getting started and want to cast a wide net to grow your following and draw eyes to your website, paying for a few ads on Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest is a cost-efficient way to target your message to the right people. You can set up ads to go out to specific locations, demographics, and interests so that your ad spend isn’t going to waste on the people you don’t need to reach.  

Build your ads around the most helpful resources on your website—maybe a mortgage calculator, a video series, or a home value estimator. Whatever the tool or content may be, frame its importance and value in your ad to drive clicks to your website. Once you begin providing expert insights and helping others, you’ll be gaining lifelong connections and lead streams. 


It’s likely that social media strategy is already part of your marketing plan. Taking a few key steps to connect your social media strategy with your web content strategy is well worth the time and effort and even takes some of the guesswork out of what to post each day. Happy sharing!

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