The Best Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies for 2021

A graph showing lead stats on a mockup dashboard.

Explore how to use online marketing techniques to gain new clients and grow your real estate agency in the new year.

Ready to take your real estate agency to the next level in 2021? As 2020 (finally) comes to a close, it’s time for agents to begin making plans for the new year and decide how to best stand out from their competition and gain new clients. Fortunately, there are plenty of real estate lead generation services that can lead to success. Here are some of the most effective.

Social Media Marketing

When it comes to luxury real estate marketing, social media is tough to beat. While the basics of social media are free, robust lead generation using different platforms does require an ad spend. Here are some ways to leverage social media to gain new leads. 

  • Posting schedule. The first step to generating leads on social media is to have a consistent and frequent posting schedule. Use your posts to educate or inform your followers and avoid being overly salesy. Post about local events, DIY projects, or tips and tricks on preparing your home for market or selecting the perfect neighborhood for your family.
  • Facebook and Instagram ads. Enhance your posting schedule with a robust Facebook or Instagram ad campaign. Your ads need a clear call to action (CTA), such as scheduling a viewing or RSVPing to an open house. 
  • Private groups. Facebook groups are becoming more and more popular, and they are just one more way to engage with your target market. Invite past, current, and prospective clients to join your group and start conversations that increase your value and keep your group members talking. 

Video Marketing 

Real estate lead generation services are not complete without some high-quality videos. Real estate agents can easily use videos to show off homes for sale, give tips and tricks to viewers, or demonstrate easy around-the-house DIYs. You can put videos on YouTube and encourage those in your target market to follow your channel via social media, newsletters, or other types of marketing. You can also do Facebook Live videos to engage your social media followers. Showing your face and letting your prospects hear your voice is a great way to differentiate yourself from your competitors and deepen the relationship with your clients and prospects.

Content Marketing

Most luxury real estate marketing strategies include some form of content marketing. Content marketing focuses on creating, publishing, and distributing content that is informative and educational for your target audience. Content marketing strategies can include blogs on your website, regular newsletters to your email list, podcasts, or downloadable content such as white papers or e-books. By giving out valuable and relevant information to your prospects and clients on a regular basis, you become known as a thought leader in the industry and increase your value and reputation. You also keep your audience engaged no matter where they are in the buying process, so when a need arises for them or someone they know to buy or sell a home, they will think of you first. 

Landing Page Integration 

Landing pages are single web pages with a specific purpose. They can be hidden on your website so only those who have direct links to them can view them. Landing pages are simple, have little content, and have a clear CTA, such as signing up for your newsletter or RSVPing for an event you are holding. You can integrate landing pages into your real estate lead generation services in a variety of ways. Link to them in your social media ads or content marketing or have your pay-per-click campaigns send prospects to them. You can have several different landing pages that serve different purposes, each unique to a single marketing goal. Landing pages help streamline traffic, reduce the number of clicks necessary to get your prospects where they need to go, and increase conversion rates. 

Paid Search 

Paid search lead generation involves using keyword research to determine what your target market is looking for when they go online. You then use these words to create pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. When a potential client clicks on your ad, it will take them to your website or a landing page on your website, and you are charged for the click. PPC campaigns can be highly effective real estate lead generation services, but they can also get pricy. To make sure you are using your PPC money effectively, work with a marketing company that can help you identify your ideal customers and the words they search for, knows how to perform a competitive analysis, and can optimize ad copy.


Have you ever visited a website then continued to see ads for that site no matter where you go on the internet? If so, you’ve experienced a retargeting campaign. The goal of retargeting is to keep your brand top-of-mind for potential customers after they have left your website. Statistics show that the majority of those who visit a website for the first time are not ready to make a buying decision. A potential client may visit multiple real estate agent websites before they decide with whom they want to work. That’s where real estate lead generation services that include retargeting come into play. A retargeting campaign lets you target specific visitors to your site with custom ads. The end goal is convincing them to ultimately choose you to work with after they’ve done their comparison shopping. 

If you’re ready to grow your real estate agency in 2021, using the right real estate lead generation services is vital. Though some agents can market effectively on their own, most experience the best results when they hire a team of experts to do the marketing for them. When you work with a marketing agency that specializes in growing the businesses of real estate agents, you have the advantage of a professional team and can focus on what you do best: buying and selling homes.

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